5.1.31 scenario maker changes


In the new version one cannot apply a name (different to file name) to a scenario. Is it intentional?
Btw. 5.1.28 scenario maker allows to open Command Ops 1 scenarios (including original ones) and save them as v. 2. You cannot do it anymore in 1.31. Also, if a scenario has been saved in 1.31 you cannot use it or modify in 1.28.
I modified and saved my Hannut scenarios in 1.31. Those who don't have the version cant use them. And I can't provide 1.28 compatible version anymore!


Some changes are being made by the developer to make it harder for folks who don't buy the modules to get ahold of stock or stock-hybrid scenarios. What you are experiencing sounds like an intentional move in this regard.

Unfortunately the developer team has been offline for a while trying to get a new system and server up to speed so even the design team has been in the dark for several weeks (but we are still working away on the next DLC).
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